
You can find the Members Only website for the Western Washington Emergency Communication Team here:

This link might not work for you! Why not?

You might not be a member.

If you would like to join us, please use the new member interest form on the How to Join page.

You might not have been granted access.

If you are a member, please email the WW7MST Web Manager (link below) with an email that has an active Google account.

You might not be logged in to your Google account.

You must be logged in to your Google account and it must be the same account that was granted permissions. A common problem is to be logged in with a work or other group account rather than the individual account that was granted access.

I got a 404! It's broken!

Maybe, but probably not. It is common for a resource (in web terms, a web address is often called a "resource") to return a 404 (which means "Not Found") rather than a 403 (which means "Forbidden"). The reason is that if a malicious actor is trying to hack a resource, they first want to know that there is something there to hack. Once they get a 403 Forbidden error, they know there is something to hack in to. When we return 404 Not Found, they don't know if there is something there or not and may hopefully move on. Feel free to email the WW7MST Web Manager if you think there really is a problem.

We're here to help!

Check Your Google account status or create a Google account

Check your current Google logged in status by going to

Email the WW7MST Web Manager

We'll do whatever we can to help you with what you need: webmanager [at]

If you are wondering why we don't just link the email, it is to reduce spam. It's far from perfect, but it makes it a little bit harder for web bots to scrape the email and start sending spam.